Monday, June 2, 2014

Understanding C++ memory and variables

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void f1 (int *j)
cout << "in f1() beginning-------------\n";
    cout << "       j addr is: " << &j << " is pointed to addr " << j << " value is: " << *j <<"\n";
    int l = 20;
    int *k = &l;
    j = k;
    //k = 0;
    cout << "in f1():======================\n";
    cout << "       l addr is: " << &l << " value is: " << l << "\n";
    cout << "       k addr is: " << &k << " is pointed to addr: " << k << " value is: " << *k << "\n";
    cout << "       j addr is: " << &j << " is pointed to addr " << j << " value is: " << *j <<"\n\n\n";

void f2(int **j)
    cout << "in f2() beginning-------------\n";
    cout << "       j addr is: " << &j << " is pointed to addr " << j << " value is: " << *j <<"\n";
    cout << "       the value is an address and the exact data is: " << **j << "\n";

    int l = 20;
    int *k = &l;
    *j = k;
    //k = 0;
    cout << "in f2():======================\n";
    cout << "       l addr is: " << &l << " value is: " << l << "\n";
    cout << "       k addr is: " << &k << " is pointed to addr: " << k << " value is: " << *k << "\n";
    cout << "       j addr is: " << &j << " is pointed to addr " << j << " value is: " << *j <<"\n";
    cout << "       the value is an address and the exact data is: " << **j << "\n\n\n";

int main()
    int i=10;
    int *j = &i;

    cout << "before f1() in main:\n";
    cout << "       j addr is: " << &j << " is pointed to addr " << j << " value is: " << *j << "\n\n";

    cout << "after f1() in main: \n";
    cout << "       j addr is: " << &j << " is pointed to addr " << j << " value is: " << *j << "\n\n";

    cout << "after f2() in main: \n";
    cout << "       j addr is: " << &j << " is pointed to addr " << j << " value is: " << *j << "\n\n";

    return 0;
before f1() in main:
      j addr is: 0x28fea8 is pointed to addr 0x28feac value is: 10
in f1() beginning-------------
      j addr is: 0x28fe90 is pointed to addr 0x28feac value is: 10
in f1():======================
      l addr is: 0x28fe7c value is: 20
      k addr is: 0x28fe78 is pointed to addr: 0x28fe7c value is: 20
      j addr is: 0x28fe90 is pointed to addr 0x28fe7c value is: 20
after f1() in main:
      j addr is: 0x28fea8 is pointed to addr 0x28feac value is: 10
in f2() beginning-------------
      j addr is: 0x28fe90 is pointed to addr 0x28fea8 value is: 0x28feac
      the value is an address and the exact data is: 10
in f2():======================
      l addr is: 0x28fe7c value is: 20
      k addr is: 0x28fe78 is pointed to addr: 0x28fe7c value is: 20
      j addr is: 0x28fe90 is pointed to addr 0x28fea8 value is: 0x28fe7c
      the value is an address and the exact data is: 20
after f2() in main:
      j addr is: 0x28fea8 is pointed to addr 0x28fe7c value is: 20

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

How to install python packages on Windows 7

Brief steps:
1. Download a package
2. Extract the package to a folder_pkg
3. Open Windows Command Prompt
4. Go to the folder_pkg
5. > python install
Then done. Check PythonHomeDir/Lib/site-packages

Useful packages:
1. simplejson:
2. XlsxWriter:

An Detailed Example for installing XlsxWriter Package (TODO)

Saturday, January 11, 2014


[摘] 一个徒步登山者,费尽千辛万苦,克服许多的艰难险阻,每一步都挣扎在生死边缘。开始的时候,还有很好的现实感,知道山知道水,攀登中还会有幽默和笑语。慢 慢的,躯体的痛苦,情绪的沉抑,心身的耗竭让你忘却了行为的意义,甚至怀疑攀登的价值和现实性,你的内心挤满了渴望与逃避,冒险与胆怯、放弃与坚持的双向 冲突,知觉变得凝重而迟缓,现实感消隐,意识逐步的缩窄。再后来,你的思想似乎停滞,感觉麻木,忘了自己是谁,在做什么和为什么要做,只是机械地向上走。 你的意识界沉静而虚无,只有心灵那一丝光亮,仍在坚持和闪耀着。        终于,你到达了那高耸卓绝的山顶,按理说积压太长的期待会给你带来像爆炸一般的狂喜,但却没有发生。你似乎忘却了自我,忘却了存在,时间和空间消融在一 起,没有边界,四周只有一片纯净的虚空,深邃而神秘。你甚至会有一瞬的迷茫,不知道你接下来要做什么?这时,一种像海潮般的愉悦和满足感从遥远的心灵深处 释放、溢出、扩展,伴随着高峰上的洁净、安详,和谐席卷了你,你似乎听见了心灵的笑声,品尝到生命融入那种永恒与无限的感觉。慢慢的海潮过去,你的内心仍 充满着充沛的活力和美妙无比的欣喜,灵感激荡,思想饱满而充实。在以后很长的日子里,你对自我的态度和对世界的感觉已经完全的不同。每当遇到困难的时候, 回忆那不平凡的一刻,你的内心依然会荡漾出坚毅、活力和创造力,成为你自由、自信、自强不息的精神源泉。


Friday, January 3, 2014

Sed Command Basics

Description: the most command parameter of sed command is 's', which stands for substitute.
        It searches for matched patterns (by REGEXP) and replaces it with REPLACEMENT.  PARAM and FLAG decides which match is replaced.

  1. Replace every first match in a line 
  $ cat sed_cmd_study.txt
  This is to study sed command in Linux system.
  Actually, this is in a cygwin terminal.
  Here are some list of stuff that I am interested:
  Linux Hacking
  C programming and C++ programming
  Python programming and Perl programming
  Photoshop applications and design
  And all the other related stuffs

  $ sed 's/programming/coding/' sed_cmd_study.txt
  This is to study sed command in Linux system.
  Actually, this is in a cygwin terminal.
  Here are some list of stuff that I am interested:
  Linux Hacking
  C coding and C++ programming

  Python coding and Perl programming
  Photoshop applications and design
  And all the other related stuffs

    [NOTE]: in this case, the original file is not modified

    2.  Replace every matches in file
  $ sed 's/programming/coding/g' sed_cmd_study.txt
  This is to study sed command in Linux system.
  Actually, this is in a cygwin terminal.
  Here are some list of stuff that I am interested:
  Linux Hacking
  C coding and C++ coding
  Python coding and Perl coding
  Photoshop applications and design
  And all the other related stuffs

    [NOTE]: in this case, the original file is not modified

     3. Only replace the 2nd occurrence of a line in file
  $ sed 's/programming/coding/2' sed_cmd_study.txt
  This is to study sed command in Linux system.
  Actually, this is in a cygwin terminal.
  Here are some list of stuff that I am interested:
  Linux Hacking
  C programming and C++ coding
  Python programming and Perl coding
  Photoshop applications and design
  And all the other related stuffs

    [NOTE]: in this case, the original file is not modified

     4.  Replace all the matches and write the modified lines in a file
  $ sed 's/programming/coding/gw output.txt' sed_cmd_study.txt
  This is to study sed command in Linux system.
  Actually, this is in a cygwin terminal.
  Here are some list of stuff that I am interested:
  Linux Hacking
  C coding and C++ coding
  Python coding and Perl coding
  Photoshop applications and design
  And all the other related stuffs

  $ cat output.txt
  C coding and C++ coding
  Python coding and Perl coding

     5. Delete last X number of characters from each line
  $ sed 's/...$//g' sed_cmd_study.txt
  This is to study sed command in Linux syst
  Actually, this is in a cygwin termin
  Here are some list of stuff that I am interest
  Linux Hack
  C programming and C++ programm
  Python programming and Perl programm
  Photoshop applications and des
  And all the other related stu